Alice- Contempory Dancer
Levan- Street dancer
Dom- Kayne West Look-a-like
we have decided to include dance in our video, to portray talent and enthusiasm. The use of a male and female dancer makes it equal and typical to a Kanye West video as his videos never tend to be sexist either for or against women. Levan is a talented street dance performer who has entered many competitions and lives and breathes dance. The Street dance technique was used to emphasize the urban theme of R&B. Alice was chosen to perform Contemporary dance, to show the individual artist differences in style of dancing (Kanye West used ballet dancers in his 'Runaway" video). Alice was specifically chosen because she is an enthusiastic dancer who participates in various dance productions for different companies. We decided to recruit models, which are still to be selected, as it would create a more realistic vibe to the video, as there would be more people that haven't been viewed in our work before. If necessary myself, Mel and Kim will act as models in the video as well to make it look more effective.
Mega Phone
The glitter is going to be used to draw attention to the beat of the music by being used on a drum and on the floor whilst the models are walking, causing it to move around and bounce. It also creates a glamourous connotation, fitting in with the story of our video (catwalk/fashion show). The mega phone also adds to this effect, being used to call the models. The person holding the megaphone will be our actor for Kanye West, making him the centre of attention and making him seem important, subtly promoting him as an artist.
Denim Jeans/Shorts/Shirts
White Tops
Bold Eye Makeup- Fake Eyelashes
Volumised Hair
The bold eye makeup and volumised hair is typical to the R&B genre, and through our previous research we concluded that it is used in most videos, as a way of objectifying women. The heels also add to this sex appeal, yet support our video theme as they are seen as a fashionable accessory. The denim items have been chosen as costume to match the song 'Christian Dior DENIM flow' and they are also generally seen as a wardrobe fashion essential. The white top was selected for simplicity and to emphasize everything else in the video without distraction.
Dance Studio
Outside for Dancing
The locations that we has chosen are suitable for the plan of the video and suit the genre, as the theatre and dance studio are simplistic building without decoration so we can film the scenes effectively without unwanted details. We have decided to film the dancing outside to suit the genre and create the street feeling entirely.
Catwalk/Model Runway
Non Diegetic- 'Christian Dior Denim Flow' song
Diegetic- Speech at the beginning
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Our Video Plot
The basic ideas of our video have been inspired by the blockbuster 'Black Swan'. Before the introducing chorus of the song plays we will have a short narrative part of film. In this section of the video, it will be a run through of a fashion show/cat walk auditions. An older model named 'Elle' walks down the catwalk infront of the judges and stumbles slightly, the directors start bitching about her and saying that her walk is old fashioned and her age is becoming an issue, with no applause and obvious disappointment in the model. The next girl, the younger Abby Lee walks down the catwalk strongly and the directors give her a standing ovation.
After the song starts the camera zooms in on one od the directors scribbling Elle's name off the list of models.
After the song starts the camera zooms in on one od the directors scribbling Elle's name off the list of models.
Monday, 26 September 2011
Kanye West Video Analysis
This Kanye West video is in cartoon, this draws the attention to his music and what he is saying, focusing on his talent, rather than his personal image. He makes sure that the audience knows that the cartoon man is supposed to be him by wearing his iconic sunglasses and by having his facial hair style. Also in the video there are some sections where bright colours are used and the cartoon character is performing with the same mannerisms that Kanye West has when he generally performs. Also in this video it remains in the conventions of a R&B video because the women are shapely and wearing short dresses and have obviously made an effort and are ready to go out, still pleasing the ideas of voyeurism, including the use of fragmented shots. However, in the video it is like Kanye West is apologising to the women and sees them as important (not sexually objectifying them), giving a connotation that it isn't always the men that are 'players' and sometimes the women are 'heartless'.
Kanye West Video Analysis
Kanye West's video to Golddigger responds straight to the lyrics and meaning of the song, objectifying women massively. It is a very sterotypical video in the way that it portrays women, using aspects of voyeurism throughout. There are fractioned shots of the women in lingerie and heels posing on magazine covers such as 'fantasy' and 'fresh'. The background on the video uses mainly red/pink colours creating a romantic and sexual feeling of the video. Their makeup is bold and the hair is volumised or neatly styled, typical to the R&B genre, as well as Kanye West's attire which is a white shirt/suit and a small simple chain. However, Kanye West adds his individuality by wearing his iconic sunglasses. In one of the scenes of the video Kanye West is in a dim/warm lit room full of sofas and girls, this is portraying him in the way he wants to be seen as irresistable. This video is more about promoting his image and trying to make the lifestyle he leads look fantastic.
Kanye West
Kanye Omari West was born on the 8th of June 1977, he has since became a famously successful American rapper/singer/music producer, vital within the R&B music scene. He has collaborated with many artists such as Alicia Keys Ludacris and Rhianna, enhancing his popularity. His career escalated after the release of his album 'The College Dropout' in 2004. He has continued to create 5 more albums, all of which have gone platinum. Kanye West runs his own music label GOOD music, which is home to artists such as Kid Cudi and John Legend, illustrating his importance in the music industry. Kanye West has a cartoon character of a teddy bear, which appears on many of his digipaks.
'During my high school years, its the music that i felt really saved me. It kept me out of the streets, it kept me from getting into trouble, it gave me something to do when i got kicked off the basketball team. You just get lost in the music. That's what i did.'
-Kanye West
This quote by Kanye West shows his sincerity for music, and that his enthusiasm for R&B isn't just superficial and a want for fame and money, but it stems deeper than that. Kanye West seems to mean what he sings and be emotionally involved with the music industry as he believes it was his saviour in early life and kept him on the straight and narrow.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Video Analysis- Drake Marvin's Room
Drakes song Marvin's Room uses dim lighting of red/orange tones making it difficult to see what is actually going on, creating a misterious setting. In the video he is wearing a simple black outfit, drawing attentiona way from himself, yet the video is essentially about him and his lifestyle, promoting himself. However, the video doesnt relate much to the lyrics of the song. He is drinking in a bar and then at a party with many people, yet throughout the video it creates a dazed effect, but putting light shots of him over full focusesd ones and the camera seems to spin and see the scenery fast, making it seem as if he is lost and confused. Probably due to the girl which the video constantly crosses shots too. The video once again (like most R&B videos) uses ideas of voyeurism, fragmented shots of body parts such as her legs and also by her wearing pants and a top, looking casual but also like a sexual fantasy to Drake. The video is based in a city and frequently shows strobe like shots going back to the buildings/roads/lights making it seem like his lifestyle and location should be envied. In the video he looks distressed, and the scene where he is looking into the mirror creates empathy towards him, maybe making himself more liked as a person as well as an artist, by making himself seem vunerable and not overly confident and unapproachable.
Print Product Analysis
N Dubz- Uncle B
The NDubz digipak for their album Uncle B, is more of a hiphop themed style than R&B. They are promoting themselves as much as the music, by having themselves on the cover in clothes which give them a certain look, differentiating themselves from other artists. The female artist has blonde hair which generally makes her appear as a sexual object, wearing heavy makeup with perfectly styled hair, making her look important and be idolised. The use of the black background going into a gold/yellow colour where they are standing may be a suggestion that they have come from difficult times and 'darkness' and now have found the light and feel like they are in their Golden moment and recahed success. Fazer and Dappy are both wearing hats which are now associated with the artists and their excessive jewelry is typical for the hiphop genre.
Print Product Analysis
Jayz- Blueprint
Jay Z's Digipak for his album 'The Blueprint' uses mainly blues and blacks creating a sincere appearance, promoting Jay Z as a serious artist who's music is real, expressing true emotions and thoughts that he has. The digipak picture is centred mainly around him, showing his lifestyle, smoking in a room, it appears like an old rhythm and blues scene, possibly to attract older audiences.
Print Product Analysis

Rhianna's digipak is predominantly about her as a brand and a well known image, to such an extent that her name isn't even printed on the front of the CD cover. It is promoting her image as much as it is the music. The digipak has a strong use of the colour red, symbolising sex and love. Her red hair and red lipstick shows her as a sex symbol, and the slight opening of her mouth is provocative. The image used is strong and makes her appear as a powerful woman. The name of the album 'LOUD' is subtle at the bottom of the page in white, again showing that her image is essentially more important than the music its selling. the back of the CD cover is in paler pinks and reds, showing a sensitive emotional feminine side to the artist. Her name is still not printed boldly and just appears at the side of the page, suggesting that she is extremely widely known. The image on the back is of Rihanna looking vulnerable, in great contrast to the front image. However, she is still wearing a short dress and her red hair creates a sexual image. The digipak is promoting Rihanna as a well known individual within the music industry, known for her personality and individuality more than her actual music.
Key Conventions of R&B
This is my Prezi displaying the key concepts of R&B.
This is my Prezi displaying the key concepts of R&B.
Video Analysis- Beyonce Single Ladies
Beyonce's video to Single Ladies is completely different in comparison to Kayne West's video to Runaway, Beyonce's is full of performance and not narrative. It is mainly Beyonce showing her dancing skills and promoting herself not only as a singer but as a full entertaining performer. The whole video is mainly filmed in longshots but there is occasional closeups of Beyonce, making her the centre of attention in the video, this is also done by having a pure white floor and background so that the emphasis of the video is purely on her and her 2 other dancers. The outfits of the 2 women are simple and black, again creating concentration of the movement and actual song without any creative distraction, the 2 backing dancers are in full leotards, yet Beyonce's is one armed, making her stand out and be different so that the attention is once again drawn to her, the outfits, typically to R&B are skimpy and provocative. They adhere to the stereotype of women in R&B and that they are mainly for sexual desire, as the all wear heels and have volumised hair, which is used in extravagante hairflips and they have vey bold eyemakeup. The dancing in the video is energetic and concetrates mainly on use of the hips, once again creating a sexually provoctive image of the women.
Video Analysis- Kanye West Runaway
Kanye West's video to his song Runaway is slightly different from other stereotypical R&B music videos, it doesnt include the usual atmosphere of clubbing and partying and is infact quite the opposite. His video has 2 main aspects, which is him and then also a group of female ballet dancers. The start of the video is Kanye West walking away from a table predominately of black people, this may signify the history of R&B and its beginning and how now it is becoming a more spread out genre, interlinking with others such as Pop music and creating many subgenres. The video looks as if it is some kind of celebration like a wedding as the table spread and chairs are white, creating a look of purity and cleanliness. Kanye West portarys himself as a smart important man in this video as he is the only character that you see making a speech and his clothing looks expensive, which is typical of R&B as they show off their material suit is cream and black and he is wearing a bow tie, which shows that it is an important event that he is part of so he must be an influential figure, the black of his suit, and also the outfits of the dancers shows the sincerity of the song and that the lyrics are powerful. The setting of the video looks as if it is outside on an estate due to the garage like buildings behind him and the concrete pavement, this may suggest the origination of R&B as it came from the streets and is an urban genre, which lets the audience understand and associate with the situation in the video. He is playing the piano in this video, this suggests that he, as an artist, has natural talent and shows his ability. He portrays real emotion for what he is singing as he strokes his face in a frustrated way and throughtout the whole song holds a position and facial expression that seems in pain and frustrated/upset. This is also illustrated through the use of a downward camera angle showing his weakness about what he is talking about. The dancers in the video are all female, and their moves are subtle yet strong and powerful. The amount of female dancers overpowers Kanye West, maybe suggesting that the song is a speech for the women and of their actual strength, making Kanye West seem like a sympathetic influential figure, promoting his importance in the music industry.
20th September 2011
In this session myself, Mel and Kim have planned slightly further into more detail. We have realised that we have to have aspects of performance within our video. Therefore, we are in the process of trying to find somebody (preferably male) that is willing to perform for us. We have also decided to possibly use extreme close ups of the eyes and mouth in a square pattern of 4, such as in Examples video to 'Kickstarts'. Other ideas we have had is using a drum set with glitter on and hitting it to the beat of the track so that the glitter moves, creating a typical R&B party atmosphere.
We are planning to experiment with these ideas in the next lesson and seeing if they are as effective on camera.
We are planning to experiment with these ideas in the next lesson and seeing if they are as effective on camera.
13th September 2011
We started our first A2 Media session today and formed small groups, deciding whether to make a short film or a music video. My group which consists of myself, Mel and Kim, have chosen to make a music video, with a song from the R&B genre. We decided this as it would be more apropriate for us to make as we have a natural insight into how the video needs to ideally appeal to it's target audience, as the general target audience of R&B is our age and female. Kanye West is our chosen artist as he is fairly iconic and popular within this specific genre. Also the track we have chosen is 'Christian Dior Denim Flow' and our original video inspiration for a narrative style video is Kanye West's 'Runaway'.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
History Of R&B
Our chosen genre which is R&B, previously known as rhythm and blues, has been gradually developing since the 1950's. Afro-Americans were the founders of R&B, it then spread across Europe until it became a worldwide genre, plunging into the USA. As the genre has expanded over the years and also geographically, it has changed gradually, it now has elements of rap, soul and funk.
In the 1980's synthesizers and drum machine beats were added, and Michael Jackson became the most popular and influential R&B artist of the time. It was originally a mainly pop music genre, with the likes of Tina Turner and Whitney Houston. During the 1990's hip hop and rap became further incorporated into the R&B genre, with artists like Mariah Carey and Missy Elliot blurring the boundaries between each. In the 2000's R&B concentrated more on solo artists than groups and it became even more hip hop related. Alicia Keys and Rihanna were popular during this decade. During the 2000's a more youthful creative R&B sound was created which used pop rock, dance and electro-pop sounds in the genre.
R&B has many key conventions, some of which are stylistic and specific to the individual artist. Artists such as Rihanna, Christiana Aguilera and Kanye West fall under this category, and they portray many typical R&B themes. This genre of music is usually lyrically sexually provocative and the background music uses heavy bass beats. New style R&B has major use of drums and electric guitar which are used in almost all tracks. Break/street dancing is also associated with this genre- yet in Kanye West's 'Runaway' video he uses ballet dancers instead, which shows culture and stylistic differences. Our genre typically uses urban ideas, to create a fresh and youthful identity, the songs are easy to empathise with as they are usually about love, relationships and money, which is easy for the audience (usually teens) to relate to.
Our chosen genre which is R&B, previously known as rhythm and blues, has been gradually developing since the 1950's. Afro-Americans were the founders of R&B, it then spread across Europe until it became a worldwide genre, plunging into the USA. As the genre has expanded over the years and also geographically, it has changed gradually, it now has elements of rap, soul and funk.
In the 1980's synthesizers and drum machine beats were added, and Michael Jackson became the most popular and influential R&B artist of the time. It was originally a mainly pop music genre, with the likes of Tina Turner and Whitney Houston. During the 1990's hip hop and rap became further incorporated into the R&B genre, with artists like Mariah Carey and Missy Elliot blurring the boundaries between each. In the 2000's R&B concentrated more on solo artists than groups and it became even more hip hop related. Alicia Keys and Rihanna were popular during this decade. During the 2000's a more youthful creative R&B sound was created which used pop rock, dance and electro-pop sounds in the genre.
R&B has many key conventions, some of which are stylistic and specific to the individual artist. Artists such as Rihanna, Christiana Aguilera and Kanye West fall under this category, and they portray many typical R&B themes. This genre of music is usually lyrically sexually provocative and the background music uses heavy bass beats. New style R&B has major use of drums and electric guitar which are used in almost all tracks. Break/street dancing is also associated with this genre- yet in Kanye West's 'Runaway' video he uses ballet dancers instead, which shows culture and stylistic differences. Our genre typically uses urban ideas, to create a fresh and youthful identity, the songs are easy to empathise with as they are usually about love, relationships and money, which is easy for the audience (usually teens) to relate to.
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