Rhianna's digipak is predominantly about her as a brand and a well known image, to such an extent that her name isn't even printed on the front of the CD cover. It is promoting her image as much as it is the music. The digipak has a strong use of the colour red, symbolising sex and love. Her red hair and red lipstick shows her as a sex symbol, and the slight opening of her mouth is provocative. The image used is strong and makes her appear as a powerful woman. The name of the album 'LOUD' is subtle at the bottom of the page in white, again showing that her image is essentially more important than the music its selling. the back of the CD cover is in paler pinks and reds, showing a sensitive emotional feminine side to the artist. Her name is still not printed boldly and just appears at the side of the page, suggesting that she is extremely widely known. The image on the back is of Rihanna looking vulnerable, in great contrast to the front image. However, she is still wearing a short dress and her red hair creates a sexual image. The digipak is promoting Rihanna as a well known individual within the music industry, known for her personality and individuality more than her actual music.
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